This zero-kilojoule sweetener has got a funny name. I wouldn't advise saying it 10 times fast… (you're trying aren't you? 😉 ) It has to be said that this sweetener is the Chuck Norris of all sweeteners. It's as sweet as sugar without any of the calories or negative side-effects. Sounds too good to be true, right? But it is true, this sweetener is seriously good, Chuck Norris good.
Erythritol Powder
MCTs are medium chain fats that are found and extracted from palm kernels and coconuts. MCTs have been shown to deliver twice the amount of energy of other foods and fats of the same calorific value. Which means you should be adding a tablespoonful of this stuff into your smoothie or bullet-proof coffee every morning to super-charge your energy levels for the day!
Pure MCT Oil